Medicare and Retirement Assistance

CORE 7 membership is comprised of ministers approaching or already in retirement, many of whom have faithfully served God and the local church for decades. The reality of retirement is that it is a very different world, requiring skilled guides to navigate its often unfamiliar waters.


Medicare is one of the realities requiring assistance for retirees to understand and fully experience its greatest benefit. To assist CORE 7 members with Medicare knowledge and planning, we have a proven expert in this field - Suzi McAlpine, IB.

Licensed in 20 states as an independent Medicare broker, Suzi has devoted herself as a career professional to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of Medicare programs and to provide up-to-date information to individuals approaching or beyond age 65 (Medicare-eligible age in the U.S.). Among the questions she can help with are the following:

  • How do I prepare for healthcare in my retirement years - for myself and my family?

  • What are the best options for me when considering Medicare and supplemental insurance?

  • What steps should I take next?

  • Is Medicare a one-time-only decision?

Suzi regularly contributes articles in our monthly newsletters (you can subscribe below). She also provides workshops at our Annual Conference and occasionally through CORE 7 Zoom workshops. She is also available for individual consultations. For individual assistance, you can contact her at the following phone numbers, her company e-mail, and her ministry website:

Suzi will be the featured speaker in our September 2020 Zoom Workshop. Her topic will be “Navigating the Medicare Maze.” Click here for more information about CORE 7 Zoom Workshops.