Meet the Team


Steve Stanley – Director

Meet Steve Stanley, founder of CORE 7. Graduate of Baylor University, and Southwestern Baptist Seminary. Steve has served in ministry for over 45 years in various aspects including: Educational ministry, church planting, local and foreign missions, denominational and state convention work and served on various boards and committees. Steve has been published in various articles on leadership and has written and created the 3DExperience (Dare to Define Your Destiny) for those nearing or in retirement.

An entrepreneur at heart, alongside his work in ministry, Steve has founded three leadership organizations: MEGA (Ministers of Education Growth Association), CORE 7 (Colleagues of Religious Education), and CBL (Christian Business Leaders) a leadership coaching and mentoring among top 500 companies. One foundation, Aspire International Foundation, establishing funding for the development and offering of a retirement experience for religious and business professionals (the 3DExpereience) and a faith-based company Sundance providing research and development along with serving seniors with Alzheimer’s.

Philanthropy work.
 Steve’s funding efforts extend into community philanthropy for various non-profit organizations and camps for youth and adults.

Steve enjoys spending time with his family and grandkids, snow skiing, working with his Spanish Peruvian horses, organic gardening, and helping people reach their potential through their unique created design.

Our Team

Steve Stanley

Core7 Director


Joe McAlexander

3DExperience Team Leader


Gary Ruffin

FBC Lafayette, LA (retired)


Gary Dyer

Pastor (retired)

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Steve Stege

FBC Frisco, TX


Bill Wiman

FBC Bryan, TX


Ben Prichett

FBC Houston, TX

Meet CORE 7 State Presidents

CORE 7 State Presidents represent the mission and vision of CORE 7 to the states in which they reside. They are the contacts for Religious Educators(ministers of all roles) State Conventions and Institutions of higher learning for which CORE 7 works and ministers in their states. Should you have any questions concerning CORE 7 and its work and events in the state they represent, you may contact them at their email below their picture.

Should you have an interest in serving alongside a particular President in the work and ministry of CORE 7, you may make contact with him on his email.

CORE 7 is growing and looking at beginning other CORE 7 Associations in other states. If you state is not represented and you would like to establish a CORE 7 Association in you state you can contact or for more information.


Don Blackmore



Topper Reid



Barry Thompson



Lynn Rylie


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Dr. Doug Powell

North Texas


Ben Pritchett

South Texas

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J.B. Collingsworth
