Ministry Resources for the Minister, Church, and Institutions of Higher Learning

CORE 7 National Network, through its chapters of experienced ministers and ministry resources, are able to offer consulting, training, speakers, team building, mentoring, church revitalization, personal assessments, 3DExperience,(for ministers and spouse that are five years from or have completed full-time ministry),  leadership development, and coaching to churches, and staff, as a ministry resource and or partnerships with State Conventions, and Institutions of Higher Learning in accomplishing their mission.


“Experienced leaders bring the intangibles and a level of credibility which cannot be measured.”


Personal Resources


Aspire/Core 7 – 3DExperience “Dare to Define Your Destiny”

Many ministers scarcely know what to expect as they face the completion of full-time ministry. When the challenge of understanding their calling apart from professional ministry is bundled with unlimited time, paralysis can set in. Many ministers end up struggling with depression and or an identity crisis as they consider an uncertain future.

The 3DExperience is a two-day experience offering the minister and spouse a toolbox of helpful tools with life coaches which will guide one to refocus, reinvent, and re-purpose one’s gifts, leadership and past experiences to serve as a platform in which to plan and implement lifestyle choices as one moves toward and establishes a new authentic identity after full-time ministry, becoming emotionally self-aware learning how to manage emotions at this stage of life.


The 3DExperience involves three modalities:

One Day Seminar

Exploring internal adjustments needed for one’s transition into a new lifestyle after completion of full-time ministry. Exploring a path of changing, adopting and transforming something that is already there into something different, building upon experiences of the past to reposition and redirect one’s path into the future.

Equine Experience

You will have opportunities to experience profound self-awareness that will assist in applying what you have gained in other life situations to their journey of personal transformation through specially designed activities with horses and guided processing with facilitators. Horses give you a fresh look and feel at your authenticity, courage, self-compassion, and trust. They help guide you into discovering and embracing your strengths as well as your vulnerabilities. (Note: no riding; all experiential sessions will be on the ground.)

Personal Life Coaches

You will have a personal life coach to provide encouragement and support in your transition of accepting and embracing change as you begin expressing yourself toward wholehearted living celebrating a life of gratefulness and worthiness.


CORE 7 Assessment for Personal and/or Leadership Needs

The Birkman Personality and Behavioral Assessment 

The Birkman is very rounded – it’s a personality, social perception, and occupational interest assessment used to identify behavioral strengths, motivational needs, stress behavior, and occupational interests. Results are used to support leadership development, employee coaching, team building, career development/transition, and conflict management. This assessment will provide one with more self-knowledge and self-awareness. It is also objective and standardized, which makes it a reliable and valid tool.


Assessment Pricing

Birkman Assessment – CORE 7 Member (Retired)
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CORE 7 Upper Room - Leadership Resources

The Upper Room provides training, mentoring and coaching on leadership and personal life development. The Upper Room utilizes live equine experiences, personal assessments, the Birkman, live conferences, zoom workshops and one on one mentoring to help each leader become aware of one’s strengths, vulnerabilities, courage, Leadership skills development (Hard skills – What a leader does, Soft skills – Who a leader is)  

Team Building Strategies


Teams are a critical component in any successful organization.  A team to be successful must have a common purpose and the ability to work together as a cohesive unit to achieve their common objectives. There must be clarity of thought and communication within a team.  Understanding each other’s personality, behavioral profile and interest is foundational to achieving the unity and effectiveness necessary for success. 

Our team workshops are customized to your particular needs.  We will integrate the use of the Birkman Personality and Behavioral Assessment to establish the foundation for getting the most out of your team’s strengths while limiting potential weaknesses.

The strength of each member is the team. Important questions to consider on building teams. 


T – Together

E – Everyone

A – Achieves

M – More

How strong is your team and each member?

  • Do your team members work for the other team member’s success?

  • Do your team members work for themselves or for the success of the team?

  • Do your team members feel successful when others on the team are recognized?

  • We are NOT a team because we work together, we are a team because we respect trust and care for each other.

CORE 7 team building experience will provide your team with:

  • Better understanding by each member of them self, their personality, strengths and weaknesses

  • Appreciation for the differences that are present within your team

  • Sharpen focus and alignment within the team

  • Understanding what adjustments to our perceptions can strengthen the work of each member

  • Discovery of tools that can be employed by your team to become more productive.

  • The functions and dysfunctions of teams

Resources – Churches, State Conventions, and Institutions of Higher Learning



CORE 7 Philosophy of Consulting

Consulting is not an event, it is a relationship, a conversation, an interactive and evolving collaboration. Understanding this is critical to the success of a consulting relationship. And it helps church leaders to set reasonable expectations about the time, energy, and costs involved.

When it comes to helping or consulting a church there is no one size fits all. There is no one solution that will solve the problems of all churches. Every church is different.


CORE 7 consulting process usually involves distinct phases:

Dialogue—Dialogue is the foundation on which any effective consulting relationship is built. It is important for the consultant to learn the history of the church, the prevailing philosophy of leadership,

Discernment—One of the most important aspects of the consulting process is reaching agreement on where to focus attention and effort. 

PrescriptionEventually, all this talk and diagnosis must result in a prescription that will effectively address the issues facing a church: a specific “solution” to how we handle this situation or take advantage of that particular opportunity or resolve a threatening conflict.

ImplementationThere is an old saying: “Plan the work, work the plan.” That summarizes the culminating task of a consulting relationship. The consultant is responsible for putting a plan on paper, to suggest a specific course of action for addressing the concerns or hopes of church leaders, and to lay out a schedule for implementation. However, it is the responsibility of church leaders to implement and “work” the plan.

Follow-up—There is a certain intensity to the consulting relationship—to the rhythm of visits, meetings, new ideas, and assignments—that tends to be both productive and exhausting. As the relationship draws to a close there is a tendency to slow the pace of progress and leave changes to some nebulous future. A wise church will agree to a follow-up visit or three.

CORE 7 Consulting Areas

  • Finance and Administration

  • Staff Selections and Development

  • Personal Life Coaching/Mentoring

  • Capital Funding

  • Stewardship

  • Bible Study/Discipleship Ministry Practice/Expansion

  • Evangelism and Outreach Strategy

  • Church Revitalization

  • Mission/Vision Strategy

  • Technology in ministry


In a post-COVID-19 world, our Kingdom assignment has not changed. Matter of fact, we realize the urgency of our assignment now perhaps more than ever before. Our methods are being tested. CORE 7 commits to provide seasoned and experienced leaders, in providing guidance with one or more of the issues faced in making, mobilizing, and multiplying disciples. 

CORE 7 will focus on helping you and your church intentionally strengthen or start a discipleship strategy in the context of your culture. We will unapologetically help you focus on engaging members and prospects in Bible study, life groups and ministry groups. We will help you with principle-driven and proven practices

Training Areas

  • Training for members

  • Training for Bible Study members

  • Training for Church Staff and ministry leaders

  • Age group training

  • Deacon training

  • Leadership training

  • Small group training

CORE 7 Availability      

One day - Multiple days – 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or long-term     

Includes monthly visits to campus, Zoom conferences, phone calls, strategy planning and execution plan, team building, mentoring and development for pastor/staff, discipleship, church revitalization, small group training, teacher training

Speakers and Conference Leaders

There are seasoned speakers and conference leaders available for pulpit supply, leading or organizing training conferences in churches or in a regional area with multiple churches.

To request any resource for you personally or for a church, state convention or Institution of Higher Learning, send your request to

Interested in hearing more?

To contact us about further opportunities to explore ministry resources, please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.